Getting a DUI can cost you your license, your job, and thousands of dollars.
Why take the Risk?

Know your BAC
- Uses advanced semiconductor alcohol sensing technology to quickly take a breath sample and provide a blood alcohol content (BAC) estimate.
- The LCD digital graphic display just how inebriated you are, whether it be dangerous (above 0.05% bac), unsafe (approx. 0.05 - 0.02% bac), or safe (under 0.02% bac)
- Displays "caution" when results are below 0.05%, displays "danger" when results are higher than 0.05%.
*Range: 0.00-0.19%BAC & 0.0-1.9g/l (or 0.00-0.95mg/l BRAC)
*Accuracy: 0.01% BAC (0.1g/l)

Reliable, High-Sensitivity Performance
The Breathalyzer is one of the most affordable breathalyzers available. It can be used in a wide variety of settings including clinical testing applications and DUI prevention.