Meditation / Zen
Meditation Saved My Life.
That is not an understatement, and I'll probably write a blog about it soon (and then update this text), but this isn't about me, this is about you. Adopting a new habit is one of the most difficult things you can do (arguably... don't hurt me!), and I've come up with quite a few ways to help with that process (link to article coming soon), but the one I'll tell you here is adding Interactive Reminders to your normal routine. For me, this started by making a wooden meditation bench and putting it in my office, so I would actually need to get up and sit away from my computer to meditate (eliminate distraction). That only worked for a few weeks, then less and less. I finally asked a friend for help and he told me that I need to occupy my attention until I got into my meditation flow. I needed something Interactive! I got myself a Singing Bowl and my meditation practice has been rock solid ever since! Here are a few things that can work that you can put around your house, apparent, or office to engage you in your meditation practice.
-Nick Fedoroff-